Dental Cosmetics

Coral Dental Center

Every time you look in the mirror you discover that your smile is not what it could be? Get the most out of what Mother Nature gave you with our dental cosmetic services while enjoying an unparalleled vacation in Playa del Carmen.

Dental cosmetics consist of simple and not aggressive techniques that improve the health and aesthetics of your mouth.

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various techniques

To speak of dental cosmetics is to refer to a wide variety of treatments, which, depending on the particular needs of each person, are combined to achieve a beautiful smile in a totally healthy mouth.

An assessment of the patient is made and the treatment(s) required to achieve that great smile is defined.

Below you will find a detailed description of each of the most used.






Porcelain veneers

Teeth whitening


These are aesthetic restorations that we do in your teeth, either due to some damage or decay, and in all these cases the material used is precisely the resin.


They are completely aesthetic because they give the appearance of your natural tooth, compared to metallic amalgams.
When cleaning the tooth and covering it with resin we can see a natural finish and very similar to other dentures but already 100% healthy.
It adheres correctly and there are no problems as time passes.
There is no allergy or reaction with the material.
These can not only be placed on the back teeth but can also be placed on the front of the mouth and give a natural appearance.
Respect dental aesthetics and looks a very natural and beautiful smile.


They are partial restorations in a part of your mouth that are used for the rehabilitation of posterior pieces which are usually molars.



Dental inlays strengthen your teeth after the root canal procedure.
They prevent dental tissue from weakening when it is prone to it.
They allow to preserve the healthy dental structure.
The risk of perforating or fracturing the roots is less.
Improve the aesthetics of your smile.


It is a restoration that is superimposed on the tooth and this is intended to restore its functionality and appearance, are custom made and are commonly known as a dental cover.


  • It supports the denture that has been damaged by replacing it with natural implants.
  • Protect your tooth that has worn out over time or a problem in the past.
    Protect your tooth after the root canal procedure.
  • Perfect the appearance of your tooth by changing its shape or color to a more natural one


They are dental prostheses that replace several missing teeth and are used as retention pillars for other teeth of the mouth and that helps a better presentation and a better oral functionality.



  • They are cheaper than a dental implant.
  • They are durable.
  • They are easy to keep clean.
  • It helps prevent the mobility of neighboring teeth.
  • Improve the chewing function and aesthetics of your smile.

Porcelain Veneers

It is a treatment that helps improve the frontal appearance of the smile using porcelain pieces to improve the appearance of the teeth.



  • It simply bleaches your smile.
  • They are resistant to stains caused by some products such as cigarettes or coffee.
  • Improve the aesthetics of your smile.
  • They are very resistant to abrasion, wear or dental fracture.
  • They are very comfortable and you will have no problem talking or eating.

Theeth Whithening

It is an aesthetic dental treatment that manages to reduce several shades of the original color of the teeth forming a new whiter and brighter denture.



  • Improve the appearance of your smile.
  • Contribute to improve your self-esteem as it gives you the security of showing a beautiful smile.
  • The treatment is not risky and is very effective.
  • There are no side effects and the procedure is not painful.
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